Distribute a Release Bundle (v2) using the Platform UI

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

Release Bundle v2 versions are distributed from the version timeline.

Subscription Information

This feature is supported with the Enterprise+ license.

To distribute a Release Bundle v2:

  1. In the Application module, select Artifactory > Release Lifecycle. The Release Lifecycle dashboard is displayed.


    Distributing Release Bundles v2 using the dashboard requires Distribution 2.22.1 or above.

  2. Click the name of the relevant Release Bundle to open the kanban board.

  3. Click the kanban card for the relevant Release Bundle version to open its timeline.

  4. Find the Release Bundle version you wish to distribute and from the Actions menu, select Distribute. The Distribute window is displayed.

  5. In the Distribution Targets tab, select the desired distribution targets (e.g. Edge nodes).



    If no distribution targets are displayed, click the link provided in the window to see suggestions about the possible cause.Distribution Target Troubleshooting

  6. (optional) Select the Auto create missing repositories checkbox to have any missing repositories in the distribution targets created automatically. If this option is not selected and a missing repository is detected, distribution will fail.

  7. (optional) In the Additional Properties tab, specify a list of input and output regex mapping pairs that define where the queried artifact is located and where it should be placed. Use this option if the path on the target is different than the source path.


    Path mapping can be performed only during the first distribution of a particular Release Bundle version.


    You can define custom mappings of your own or click Use Template to use one of the provided Path Mapping templates:



    Change Repository

    All files in a specific repository on the source Artifactory service are mapped to a different repository on the target.

    Change Folder

    All files are moved to a specific folder in the target.

    Rename Folder

    All files in a specific folder on the source Artifactory service are mapped to a different folder on the target.

  8. Click Distribute. The status of the distribution operation is displayed in the version timeline. There will be an entry in the timeline for each distribution target. For example, if you distribute the Release Bundle to 3 Edge nodes, three entries will be added to the timeline (one for each target).

    In addition, a new card will appear on the distribution board beneath each distribution target.


    When JFrog Xray is used to scan Release Bundles for potential vulnerabilities and license violations, Xray will block promotion if the Release Bundle violates a Policy that has a blocking action defined. Scan results are shown in the timeline event, as shown below.


    For more information, see Scan Release Bundles (v2) with Xray.


    To view distribution details after the operation is complete, click the relevant event in the timeline. Click the link in the Target field to view the distribution results in the Received tab of the Edge node.
