Search criteria on both fields and properties may be nested and compounded into logical expressions using "$and" or "$or" operators. If no operator is specified, the default is $and
Criteria may be nested to any degree
Note that since search criteria can be nested to any degree, you may construct logical search criteria with any degree of complexity required.
Here are some examples:
//This example shows both an implicit "$and" operator (since this is the default, you don't have to expressly specify it, but rather separate the criteria by a comma), and an explicit "$or" operator. //Find all items that are files and are in either the maven-remote or my-local repositories. items.find({"type" : "file","$or":[{"repo" : "maven-remote", "repo" : "my-local" }]}) //Find all the items that were created in a build called "my_debian_build" and whose name ends with ".deb" or all items created in a build called "my_yum_build" and whose name ends with ".rpm". items.find( { "$or": [ { "$and": [ {"" : "my_debian_build"} , {"name" : {"$match" : "*.deb"}} ] }, { "$and": [ {"" : "my_yum_build"} , {"name" : {"$match" : "*.rpm"}} ] } ] } ) //Find all items in a repository called "my_local" that have a property with a key called "license" and value that is any variant of "LGPL". items.find({"repo" : "my_local"},{"@artifactory.licenses" : {"$match" : "*LGPL*"}})