Set Up Local RPM Repositories

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

To enable automatic RPM metadata calculation on a local RPM repository, in the RPM Settings section of the Basic settings screen, set Auto-calculate RPM Metadata.

rpm_settings local repo.png



RPM Metadata Folder Depth

Informs Artifactory under which level of directory to search for RPMs and save the repodata directory.

By default this value is 0 and refers to the repository's root folder. In this case, Artifactory searches the entire repository for RPMs and saves the repodata directory at $REPO-KEY/repodata.

Using a different depth is useful in cases where generating metadata for a repository separates its artifacts by name, version and architecture. This will allow you to create multiple RPM repositories under the same Artifactory RPM repository.

For example:

If the repository layout is similar to that shown below and you want to generate RPM metadata for every artifact divided by name, set the Depth to 1 and the repodata directory is saved at REPO_ROOT/ARTIFACT_NAME/repodata :

- or -


When changing the configured depth of existing repository, packages indexed in the old depth might need to be re-indexed or moved to a new depth to be available in the new configured depth, and YUM clients might need to change their configuration to point to the new depth.depth.

Auto-calculate RPM Metadata

When set, RPM metadata calculation is automatically triggered by the actions described above.

Enable File List Indexing

When set, RPM metadata calculation will also include indexing the filelists.xml metadata file.

RPM Group File Names

A comma-separated list of YUM group files associated with your RPM packages.

Note that at each level (depth), the repodata directory in your repository may contain a different group file name, however each repodata directory may contain only 1 group metadata file (multiple groups should be listed as different tags inside the XML file. For more details, see YUM Documentation).