NuGet repositories must be prefixed with api/nuget in the path
When configuring Visual Studio to access a NuGet repository through Artfactory, the repository URL must be prefixed with api/nuget in the path.
For example, if you are using Artifactory standalone or as a local service, you would configure Visual Studio using the following URL:
http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/nuget/<repository key>
Or, if you are using Artifactory Cloud the URL would be:
https://<server name><repository key>
Artifactory exposes its NuGet resources via the REST API at the following URL: http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/nuget/<repository key>.
This URL handles all NuGet related requests (search, download, upload, delete) and supports both V1 and V2 requests. To use V3 requests, you need to Configure Visual Studio with NuGet v3 API.
To configure the NuGet Visual Studio Extension to use Artifactory, check the corresponding repositories in the "Options" window: (You can access Options from the Tools menu).