Export Repositories

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

Exporting repositories enables you to export data and metadata stored in that repository. You may need to do this as part of moving store and metadata between repositories and for batch population of a repository.

To export a repository:

  1. In the navigation panel on the left-hand side of the screen, click Administration administration-button.jpg.

  2. In the General section of this screen, click Settings. The Artifactory General Settings screen appears.

  3. In the Import & Export pane, click Repositories. The Repositories Import and Export screen appears.

    repositories_ export.png
  4. Configure Export parameters, as shown below, then click Export. The file is exported.



    Target Local Repository

    You can specify a single repository to export or All Repositories

    Export Path on Server

    The export target directory on your server

    Exclude Metadata

    When set, repository metadata is excluded from the export. (Maven 2 metadata is unaffected by this setting)

    Create .m2 Compatible Export

    When set, includes Maven 2 repository metadata and checksum files as part of the export

    Output Verbose Log

    When set, lowers the log level to "debug" and redirects the output from the standard log to the import-export log.

    Monitoring the log

    You can monitor the log in the System Logs page.