View Release Bundle (v2) Version Details

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

Use the timeline for a Release Bundle version to view detailed information about a selected event related to that version. The information displayed depends on the selected event type, as described below.

Release Bundle Version Creation

Click the timeline event for creating a Release Bundle version to view the list of artifacts that comprise the Release Bundle and the JSON file containing the Release Bundle definition.

For more information, see:

Release Bundle Version Promotion

Click the timeline event for promoting a Release Bundle version to view a list of promoted artifacts and the target repositories to which they were promoted.



To delete a promotion, see Delete a Promotion.

Release Bundle Version Distribution

Click the timeline event for distributing a Release Bundle version to view details about the event, including who distributed it, its status and duration, and the list of distributed artifacts.


Release Bundle Version Export

Click the timeline event for exporting a Release Bundle version to view details about the event, including who exported it, when it occurred, and the list of artifacts that were exported.
