Artifactory supports three types of repositories when working with Docker:
Local repositories are a place for your internal Docker images. Through Artifactory's security capabilities, these are secure private Docker registries.
Remote repositories are used to proxy remote Docker resources such as Docker Hub.
Virtual repositories can aggregate multiple Docker registries thus enabling a single endpoint you can use for both pushing and pulling Docker images. This enables the admin to manage the different Docker registries without the users knowing, and continue to work with the same end point.
**Make sure to go to the Advanced tab of each repository and set the Registry Port if you are using the Port method for Docker. Then, the reverse proxy generator should add a new section in for the specified port.
Do not use underscores when naming Docker repositories
Due to a limitation in the Docker client, underscores are not permitted in Docker registry names. Therefore, when naming Artifactory Docker repositories, you should not use an underscore. For example, the Docker client will not be able to communicate with a repository named test_docker_repo
, however, it will work with a repository named test.docker.repo