Proxy a Resource that Uses a Self-Signed Certificates

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

If the remote resource that your Artifactory remote repository is proxying (e.g. Red Hat Network's server) uses an untrusted server certificate (i.e. it is self-signed and not signed by any known Certificate Authority), you need to import the server's certificate into Artifactory's JVM truststore. To learn more about configuring a Self-Signed Certificate in Artifactory, see Trust a Signed Certificate or a New CA.Trust a self-signed certificate or a new CA

You cannot configure a self-signed certificate in Artifactory SaaS

If you are using Artifactory SaaS (as opposed to an self-hosted installation), you will not be able to proxy resources that use untrusted (i.e. ,self-signed) certificates since you do not have access to the Artifactory SaaS JVM truststore.