Configure the Pub Client to Work With Artifactory

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

To use Artifactory with your Pub client, you will first need to set Artifactory as a Pub repository, and then to resolve and deploy the relevant Dart/ Flutter package.


You will need to generate an authentication token. For more information, see Access Token Authorization Headers.Access Tokens

Step 1: Add Artifactory to your / etc/pub/repositories File

  1. Navigate to Application Module | Artifactory | Artifacts.

  2. Select the desired repository.

  3. Select Set Me Up.

  4. In the Configure tab, add the repository to your client using the following command and run it.

    HTTPS-Mode Only

    Pub authentication to Artifactory is supported only through HTTPS-Only mode.


Step 2: Deploy Dart/ Flutter Packages

To deploy a Dart/ Flutter package into an Artifactory repository, use the following cURL with the relevant path parameters:


curl -u<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -T <file>.tar.gz  " https://localhost:8080/artifactory/dart-pub-local/<>/<PACKAGE_NAME>/<FILE>/<VERSION>.tar.gz"

Deploying a Package Using the UI

Indexing Dart/Flutter Packages

For your files to be indexed properly, it is very important to ensure that all deployment of Dart/ Flutter packages into Artifactory occurs under the <REPOSITORY>/<PACKAGE_NAME/ <FILE> <VERSION> structure. Packages deployed anywhere else will not be indexed.

To deploy a Dart/ Flutter package to Artifactory, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Artifactory | Artifacts | Deploy.

  2. Select your Pub repository as the Target Repository.

  3. In the Target Path, specify the relative path in the target repository.


Step 3: Resolve and Deploy Dart/ Flutter Packages

To resolve Dart packages:

  1. In the Application module, navigate to Artifactory | Artifacts.

  2. In the Artifact Tree Browser, select a Pub repository and click Set Me Up.
