Using AQL With Remote Repositories

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

Searching Remote Repositories

From Artifactory version 7.17.4, you can search directly within remote or virtual repositories. This requires providing credentials to the remote Artifactory on the remote repository configuration under the Advanced tab.

To enable a search within a remote repository, add the transitive tag to the search query.

items.find(“repo”: “remote-repo”).transitive()

Rules and Guidelines for Using AQL in Remote Repositories

The following rules and guidelines apply when searching remote and virtual repositories:

  • The remote repository MUST be an Artifactory instance.

  • The query MUST include a single repository and a $eq clause.


    items.find(“repo”: “remote-repo”).transitive()
  • You cannot use Sort and Offset flags within the AQL Query.

  • The primary domain can only contain Items.

  • Include may only have the following domains: Items and ItemProperties.

  • The search will run on the first five remote repositories within the virtual repository.