Convert a Local Repository to a Federated Repository - Platform UI

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

You can convert an existing local repository to a Federated repository directly from its listing in the Local tab.


Repository federations and replication cannot co-exist in the same repository. Therefore, if the local repository has been set up previously for repository replication, these replication definitions are deleted automatically when the local repository is converted to a Federated repository.

To convert a local repository to a Federated repository:

  1. In the Administration module, select Repositories > Local.

  2. At the end of the row for the relevant local repository, open the Actions menu and select Convert to Federated.


    The Convert to Federated Repository dialog opens.

    convert to federated repository.png
  3. Click Convert.

  4. [optional] Add other members to the Federated repository, as described in Set Up a Federated Repository Using the UI.

Converted Local Repositories Remain Federated

Removing the repository from the Federation does not automatically revert the repository to a local repository. Removing a repository from the Federation simply disconnects the bi-directional sync; however, the repository remains Federated.

The Federated repository cannot be converted back to a local repository.