Deploy a Single Artifact

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

To deploy a single artifact, simply fill in the fields in the Deploy dialog and click Deploy.

Deploy db.png

Deploy According to Layout

The Deploy dialog displays the repository package type and layout configured. To deploy your package according to the configured layout, check Deploy According to Layout.

Artifactory displays entry fields corresponding to the layout tokens for you to fill in.

Deploy db with Layout tokens.png

If you are deploying a Maven artifact, you may need to configure additional attributes as described in the next section.

Suggested Target Path

Artifactory will suggest a Target Path based on the details of your artifact (this works for both Maven and Ivy). For example, if a JAR artifact has an embedded POM under its internal META-INF directory, this information is used.

Deploy Maven Artifacts

If you are deploying an artifact that conforms to the Maven repository layout, you should set Deploy as Maven Artifact to expose fields that specify the corresponding Maven attributes - GroupID, ArtifactID, Version, Classifier , and Type.

The fields are automatically filled in according to the artifact name, however, you can edit them and your changes will also be reflected in the Target Path.

If your target repository does not include a POM, set Generate Default POM/Deploy Jar's Internal POM, to use the POM within the artifact you are deploying, or generate a default POM respectively.

Take care when editing the POM manually

If you are editing the POM manually, be very careful to keep it in a valid state.

Deploy db as Maven Artifact 1.png

Deploy with Properties

Properties can be attached to the uploaded file by specifying them on the Target Path.

First, unset the Deploy as Maven Artifact check box, if necessary.

Then, in the TargetPath field, add the properties delimited from the path and from each other by semicolons.

For example, to upload an artifact with the property qa set to passed, and build.number set to 102, use the following Target Path:


Deploy with Multiple Properties

To deploy multiple values to the same key add the same key again with the new value, e.g. key1=value1;key1=value2 will deploy the file with property key1 with a value of value1,value2.

For example, to upload a file with property passed and values qa, stress use the following Target Path:
