To enable calculation of CRAN metadata, in the Administration module, go to Repositories| Repositories | Local and select CRAN as the Package Type when you create your local repository.
Local CRAN Repository Layout
You need to maintain a specific path structure to manage the CRAN packages that are uploaded to CRAN local repositories.
CRAN packages are uploaded to the following locations:
Source packages are automatically uploaded by default to the relative path: src/contrib. For example:
.Binary packages are uploaded to a relative path according to the distribution and R version. For example:
Artifactory will find your packages by performing a property search causing the folder hierarchy not to have an impact on performance.
Placing source packages in the recommended path
When uploading a CRAN package via the UI, the default deploy path is not enforced but is recommended since it allows Artifactory to manage the CRAN packages. Uploading the packages to a different path will cause the packages not to be identified as CRAN packages.