The JFrog Container Registry is powered by JFrog Artifactory
The JFrog Container Registry is powered by JFrog Artifactory with a set of features that have been customized to serve the primary purpose of running Docker and Helm packages in a Container Registry. Refer to the JFrog Artifactory documentation when working with JFrog Container Registry. For example, Setting Up Artifactory , Installing Artifactory , Upgrading Artifactory , Artifactory REST API and Artifactory Release Notes.
Please note that the JFrog Container Registry installation and configuration paths and code examples refer to artifactorysince JFrog Container Registry is powered by JFrog Artifactory.
Go to the JFrog Container Registry Download page.
Download your preferred installation method: Standalone (Zip), RPM, Debian or Docker or Helm Charts.
Proceed to install and configure JFrog Container Registry according to the JFrog Artifactory instructions in this guide.
To get up and running quickly, follow the Onboarding Wizardthat is invoked the first time you start JFrog Container Registry.