Upload PyPI Egg and Wheel Packages

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

After creating a .pypirc file and a setup.py script at the root of your project, you can upload your egg (tar.gz) packages as follows:

~/python_project $ python setup.py sdist upload -r local

If you are using wheel (whl) you can upload your packaged as follows:

~/python_project $ python setup.py bdist_wheel upload -r local

Or if you wish to use both egg (tar.gz) and wheel (whl), you can upload them as follows:

~/python_project $ python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel upload -r local

Where local is the name of the section in your .pypirc file that points to your Artifactory PyPI repository.

Default upload

By default, both setuptools and distutils will upload to https://pypi.org/pypi if no repository is specified.

The 'register' command should be omitted

When uploading directly to pypi.org , the documentation states that your package must first be registered by callingpython setup.py register.

When uploading to Artifactory this is neither required nor supported and should be omitted.