Properties are user-customizable fields that can be any string and can have any value(s). Properties are used extensively in the JFrog REST APIs and CLI for JFrog Artifactory (command line tool), the Artifactory Query Language ( AQL), and in the JFrog Platform UI.
For Artifactory, you can place properties on both artifacts and folders; setting and deleting properties is supported by local repositories or local-cache repositories. In addition, while you cannot set or delete properties on virtual repositories, you can retrieve them. You can assign properties using the UI, via REST API, via the CLI, or on deployment using Matrix Parameters. Properties can also be used to control Artifacts resolution.
In addition, properties are searchable and can be combined with Smart searches to search for items based on their properties and then to manipulate all the items in the search result in one go. Properties can also be used with integrations/extensions, such as user plugins, Jenkins plugin, etc.