Click on the version number to view details about a particular package version, in the detailed table.
The information in the summary section, in the top panel, now displays summary information about the selected package version.
To download the package version to your computer, click Download, located on the right, below the summary information. For more information, see Downloading Package Versions.
The detailed table now appears with the following tabs and information:
Applies to npm packages. Contains readme documentation.
In the Build section, use the View toggle to select one of the following views:
Produced By: Displays information about the builds that produced the package versions.
Used By: Displays information about the builds that used the package versions as dependencies.
The information includes the name, number, and creation date of each build. Click on the build name to open the Build page with the full information about the build.
Xray Data
Xray scanning requires Pro X, Enterprise with Xray, or an Enterprise+ license.
For more information, see Viewing Xray data on Package Versions.
Docker Layers
Applies to Docker packages. Lists the layer related information.
Requires an Enterprise+ license.
Displays the Release Bundles containing the package version, the Release Bundle Distribution status and when they were last updated. Click the Release Bundle Name to view the Bundle in the Distribution page.
Displays where the package versions exist in Artifactory. The locations are indicated by the repository names and the full paths to the packages in Artifactory. Enter version numbers or repository names to filter the list.
Click on the path to open the Artifact Repository Browser, showing the location of the package in the Tree view.
Viewing Xray Data on Package Versions
Selecting a package version displays detailed Xray data information.
In the top pane, you can view the Xray severity and license assigned to the version.
Under the Xray Data tab, you can view these dedicated Xray related tabs with the option to run a set of actions on the version. For detailed information on each tab, see Analyzing Resource Scan Results.
Under the Xray Data tab, you can view these dedicated Xray related tabs with the option to run a set of actions on the version. For detailed information on each tab, see Analyzing Resource Scan Results.