Configure the Swift Client to Work With HTTP

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

By default, the Swift Client only works with HTTPS protocol. If you attempt to configure the client with an HTTP URL, you will get the following error:

Error: invalid URL:<URL>

To modify the Swift client to work with the HTTP protocol, do the following:

  1. To set Artifactory as a Swift repository, run the following command using an HTTPS URL:

    swift package-registry set <url>

    This creates the .swiftpm/configuration/registries.json file, which contains the following information:

      "registries" : {
        "[default]" : {
          "url" : "<url to RT>/artifactory/api/swift/swift-local"
      "version" : 1
  2. Modify the URL in the <url to RT> field in the .swiftpm/configuration/registries.json file to HTTP instead of HTTPS.