Set Up a Federated Repository Using the UI

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

Setting up a Federated repository is similar to setting up a local repository with the additional step of choosing the repositories on other JPDs that are part of the same Federation.


Verify that you have met all setup prerequisites before proceeding. Self-hosted customers must configure a Custom Base URL. For more information, see Setup Prerequisites for Federated Repositories.

To set up a Federated repository using the platform UI:

  1. From the Administration module, select Repositories.

  2. Click Create a Repository and select Federated.

  3. Select the package type.

  4. In the Basic tab, configure the basic repository settings. For more information, see Basic Settings for Local Repositories.


    It is mandatory to assign a Repository Key that will be added as the prefix to the Federated repository and displayed on all the sites.

  5. In the Advanced tab, configure additional repository settings as required, including defining a proxy (if your organization requires you to go through a proxy to access a Federated repository). For more information, see Basic Settings for Remote Repositories.

  6. In the Federation tab, add members to the Federation by selecting repositories on other JFrog Platform Deployments (JPDs). Click Add Repository.

  7. In the Add Repositories dialog box, add members to the Federation using one of these methods:

    • Deployments: If you have JFrog Mission Control installed, the repositories on the remote JPDs will automatically be populated. If the repository with the identical name doesn't exist on the remote JPD, click Create New to duplicate this repository.JFrog Mission Control

    • URL: Manually add a predefined URL path to the repository. If the repository does not exist on the remote JPD, it will be created automatically according to the following syntax:

      <BASE_URL>/artifactory/<repository_name> //For example, http://<ip address>:8082/artifactory/fed117


    JPDs will appear only if you have set up bindings or established a Circle of Trust.Circle of Trust (Cross-Instance Authentication)

  8. Click Done. You will be returned to the Federated tab.

  9. Click Create Federated Repository.

Federated Repositories Not Supported for Artifactory Backend Repositories

It is not possible to connect a Terraform Backend repository to a Federated repository. This limitation prevents inconsistencies in the system state, which could lead to unexpected behavior or errors.Federated Repositories