Navigate to Administration | General Management| Webhooks.
Navigate to Administration Module | General | Webhooks, if you use the classic navigation. Classic navigation is available for JFrog self-hosted customers with version 7.90 or previous only.
Click the Troubleshooting tab.
You can view the information of the last event of the configured webhooks.
Click a webhook to view the details of all the events of that particular webhook.
To sort webhooks according to project, click the Projects column.
Optionally, click the Filter button to filter the results by the status.
The list displays only those statuses that are applicable to the current webhook runs.
Click on any of the events to view the detailed event status.
A pane appears with the details of the event. The Request tab appear by default and shows the webhook request details.
Click the Response tab to view the response header, payload, and status from the receiver.
Click the Event tab to view the event details.
Click the Error tab to view the error message.
In self-hosted JFrog Platform, you can view the Troubleshooting tab or use the API, only if you use Redis to store troubleshooting data.