Outbound configuration goes on the source Access instance
Note that the Outbound configuration should be applied to the source Access instance from which you are synchronizing security entities.
In this example, we want to synchronize all security entities using default values except for the following settings that we want to modify:
timeout-millis = 4000
number-of-retries: 5
Load the following YAML file on the source Access service as described in Uploading the YAML file to specify the above parameters and set access-2 as the synchronization target for access-1 (this example assumes the access-2 service IP address is
federation:\n outbound:\n timeout-millis: 3000\n number-of-retries: 3\n servers:\n name : "access-2"\n url : ""\n
Don't forget to restart the Access service after placing the YAML file in the designated location.