Add Pipeline Sources

JFrog Platform Administration Documentation

Content Type
Administration / Platform

Requires an Enterprise+ license.

A pipeline source is a Git repository containing pipeline definition files. Administrators can assign users and group permissions to specific pipeline sources. For more, see Managing Pipeline Sources.Managing Pipeline Sources

Click Add Pipeline Sources and select the pipeline sources to which the permission should apply.


You can select the pipeline sources by name or by pattern.

The By Repository Name tab displays all pipeline sources configured in the system. You can search and select according to your requirements.

You can select the pipelines from the list or search for the pipeline sources that you wish to select.

Click By Pattern to select pipeline sources according to a pattern or select all pipeline sources.


Select Include All Repositories to include all pipeline sources in the permission. You can use the exclude patterns to exclude certain pipeline sources from all the pipeline sources.

The Patterns tab enables you to include or exclude pipeline sources based on wildcard patterns. Ant-style path expressions are supported (*, **, ?). For more information, see AntPathMatcher Documentation. For example, to include (or exclude) all pipeline sources that start with paulg , use the following include pattern: paulg**/**.

You can add more than one pattern. After you enter a pattern, click + or hit the enter key to add that pattern to the filter.

The Preview table lists all pipeline sources that fulfill the patterns.

Instead of setting patterns, you can also select Include All Repositories to select all pipeline sources in the system.