Monitor Cold Storage

JFrog Platform Administration Documentation

Content Type
Administration / Platform

Policy and Archive Logs

Cold Storage adds dedicated logs in the Live Artifactory service logs for the events that are related to the artifacts and packages being archived, including running archiving policies and the archive process itself. The following events are documented in the log:Logging

  • Create archiving policy

  • Perform archiving policy execution

  • Finish archiving policy execution, which includes the following information:

    • A short summary about the execution, including information about when the process started and ended, and the success percentage

    • The number of total processed items, successfully archived items, and items that failed to be archived

    • The status of each archived artifact or package


Restoration Logs

After restoring archived artifacts or packages, Cold Storage adds dedicated logs in the Cold Artifactory service logs for the events related to the items being restored. Dedicated logs are created for the following events:Logging

  • Start restore process: Each time the restore process starts, a log is created with the size, number of artifacts or packages, and approximate retrieval process end time

  • Finish restore process

  • Status for each restored object


Archive and Restoration Operations

Because both the archive and restore operations take place in the background, Cold Storage provides a monitoring functionality that enables you to track the status and progress of these operations. The monitoring process provides the following information:

  • Summary of the archived items with status: Provides the status and summary of the number of archived artifacts or packages and their size.

    • Can be filtered by from and to dates

    • Can be searched using a policy key

  • Summary of restored items with status: Provides the status and summary of the number of restored artifacts or packages and their size.

    • Can be filtered by from and to dates

For more information, see Monitor Archive and Restoration Operations or Work with Cold Storage Using REST APIs.