Add Pipeline Node Pools

JFrog Platform Administration Documentation

Content Type
Administration / Platform

Required Permissions

To add a node pool to a project, you need to be assigned the 'Platform Admin' role.

Node pools provide a convenient way to logically group build nodes in a JFrog Pipelines environment. This enables you to run steps simultaneously on different nodes. Platform Admins can create any number of node pools. There must be at least one node pool created, designated as the default node pool, and assigned at least one build node for Pipelines to execute. For more information, see Managing Pipelines Node Pools.Managing Pipelines Node Pools

There are two types of Node Pools:

  • Dynamic Node Pools: spin build nodes up and down on-demand from a cloud or Kubernetes service. To create a dynamic node pool, you must configure and provide an administration integration. A dynamic node is provisioned when a step is triggered, then either cached or destroyed after a preset amount of idle time if no new step is triggered during that interval. When used on a cloud service, this can help manage costs by not incurring charges to run idle nodes.

  • Static Node Pools: are collections of persistently available build nodes (virtual machines). Static nodes enable you to execute Pipeline steps on your own infrastructure.

To add a node pool to a Project:

  1. Select the required project from the All Projects list in the taskbar.

  2. Navigate to Project Settings | Pipelines | Node Pools and click Add Node Pool.

    JFrog Platform New Navigation

    If you use the new navigation, click Applications on the taskbar, and select Pipelines | Node Pools, and click Add Node Pool. For more information on the new navigation, see JFrog Platform Navigation

  3. Select Dynamic or Static.

  4. Configure the node pool.

    1. To configure a dynamic node pool, see Add a Dynamic Node Pool.

      Fields that are not required may be left blank. For example, you may not wish to set the fields to limit node count, disk usage, or timeout.

    2. To configure a static node pool, see Add a Static Node Pool.

  5. When finished, click Save Node Pool.