Generate GPG Keys

JFrog Platform Administration Documentation

Content Type
Administration / Platform

The way to generate keys is platform-dependent. The following example shows how to generate the public and private keys on Linux.

# generate the keys
gpg --gen-key
# list all keys in your system and select the pair you want to use in Artifactory
gpg --list-keys

# resolve the key-id from the lists-keys by selecting the relevant license
pub   2048R/8D463A47 2015-01-19      
uid   JonSmith (Jon) <>
key-id =  8D463A47

#export the private key with the specified id to a file
gpg --output {private key file name and path} --armor --export-secret-keys {key-id}
#export the public key with the specified id to a file
gpg --output {public key file name and path} --armor --export {key-id}

You also need to specify a passphrase that must be used together with the signing keys. You can save the passphrase or pass it with a REST API call.