Configure Webhooks Troubleshooting in Self-Hosted JFrog Platform

JFrog Platform Administration Documentation

Content Type
Administration / Platform

In a self-hosted installation, you can choose to store the data in a Redis database or a log file.

In self-hosted JFrog Platform, you can view the Troubleshooting tab or use the API, only if you use Redis to store troubleshooting data.

Add the following entry to the Artifactory System YAML to store the data in a log file.Artifactory System YAML

    enabled: true
    storageType: log

If you choose to store the data in a log file, the file is available at: JFROG_HOME/var/log/event-troubleshooting.log.

The log file stores the results of all the failures of webhooks executed by the node. If you have several webhook events that trigger frequently, you may need to set up log rotation to manage the size of the log file.

Add the following entry to the Artifactory System YAML to store the data in a Redis database.Artifactory System YAML

    enabled: true
    storageType: redis

You should set up a Redis database in the same network as the JFrog Platform installation and update the Artifactory System YAML with Redis configuration information. JFrog Platform supports Redis 7.2.Artifactory System YAML

## A shared section for keys across all services in this config
    ## Cache URL, such as redis://host:port or memcached://host:port
    ## URL supports multiple host and port for sentinel/cluster support
    url: redis://<host>:<port>
    ## Cache parameters
    params: password=<password>;mode=<single/sentinel/cluster>

If you choose to store data in Redis, 10000 records are stored at a time. If there are more than 10000 records, the older entries are cleared every 30 seconds.

Update the cleanupIntervalMillis and streamMaxLen parameters in the Artifactory System YAML to modify these values.Artifactory System YAML

    enabled: true
    storageType: redis
      cleanupIntervalMillis: 30000
      ##Clean up interval in milliseconds
      streamMaxLen: 10000