Set Up Binding Tokens for Federated Repositories

JFrog Platform Administration Documentation

Content Type
Administration / Platform

This section describes the steps for setting up binding tokens for Federated Repositories.

When establishing trust between the two JPDs for Federated Repositories, ensure that you add the root and intermediate certificates to the Artifactory folder, security folder, key folder, and trusted folder.


Binding tokens require you to have an enabled Mission Control service, since the binding token is created by Mission Control. Token renewal is also handled by Mission Control.

  1. From the Administration module, click Platform Deployments | Bindings.

    This displays the list of available JPDs and their bindings.

  2. Click +Add Binding | Federated Repository.

    This displays the Create Binding window.

    create-binding-empty (1).png
  3. In the Select JPDs dropdown list, select the JPDs - source and target - that you wish to bind to each other.

  4. Click Apply.

    The Selection Summary now displays the target and source you selected.

  5. To add more JPDs to the binding, add them in the Select JPDs field, and then click Apply again.

  6. Click Create to create the new binding.

    The results of the bindings you created are displayed.


If a binding action failed, you may want to go back and verify that the source JPD is available, then try again.