For information about configuring Cold Storage, see Cold Storage Setup.
The Cold Storage archiving solution is comprised of three main components:
Live Artifactory instance
Live Artifactory is a standard Artifactory instance from which artifacts or packages will be archived.
Cold Artifactory instance
Cold Artifactory is a stripped-down, limited-functionality version of an Artifactory instance that is used for archiving purposes. The Cold instance is implemented as a dedicated Artifactory instance, connected to a binary storage provider (such as AWS Glacier).
One Cold Artifactory instance can be connected to only one Live Artifactory cluster. Every cluster of Artifactory that needs to archive requires a single Cold Storage instance with a dedicated license.
Archive (binary storage provider)
When setting up the Cold instance, you will need to connect it to a binary storage provider. You can use one of the following storage options:
A cloud provider, such as AWS Glacier