New Project Workflow
The workflow for creating a new Project includes these main steps.
The Platform Administrator first creates and configures the basic Project settings, including the Project name and Project Key, assigns Project Admins, and grants Project Admins privileges allowing them to manage Platform resources and Project members.
Platform Admins can assign repositories to the projects in this initial stage.
The Platform Administrator is granted all permissions in all projects.
Setting a Storage Quota
As part of setting up a project, Platform Admins can set a quota size for the total size of the repositories allocated for the project.
Step 2: Assign Members to a Project
Project Admins can then proceed to grant Platform Users and Groups access to the project as Project Members by granting them Global or Project-level roles.
Step 3: Add or Assign Resources to Projects
Project Admins can assign existing Repositories or Pipelines Sources from the other projects to a project and/or create new repositories as part of the project.
Distribution in Projects
Because Distribution is not currently included in JFrog Projects, Distribution will, therefore, work with all projects, so that all workflows assume that they are seeing all projects.