Project Creation Tasks

JFrog Platform Administration Documentation

Content Type
Administration / Platform

The basic workflow tasks for creating a project are linked below. A Platform Admin can perform all these actions, and some can also be performed by Project Admins. For more details, refer to individual APIs.

Project Setup by a Platform Administrator



Using Platform UI

Using APIs


Create a project / assign project name, key, storage quota, admin privileges

Step 1: Set Up a New Project

Create ProjectCreate Project

POST ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects


Create a global environment

Create a Custom Global Environment

Create Global EnvironmentCreate Global Environment

POST ${baseUrl}/v1/environments


Create a project environment

Create a Custom Project Environment

Create Project EnvironmentCreate Project Environment

POST ${baseUrl}/v1/projects/{project_key}/environments


Create a custom global role

Create Custom Global Roles

Create a Custom Global RoleCreate a Custom Global Role

POST ${baseUrl}/v1/roles


Edit a global role

Assign Environments to Global and Project Roles

Edit a Global RoleEdit a Global Role

PUT ${baseUrl}/v1/roles/{role}


Create a project role

Create Project Roles

Create RoleCreate Role

POST ${baseUrl}/v1/projects/{project_key}/roles


Assign repositories to each environment

Configuring a Local RepositoryConfigure a Local Repository

Update Repository ConfigurationUpdate Repository Configuration

Based on changes made in the Repository Configuration JSON.Repository Configuration JSON


Edit a project

Modify a Project

Update Existing Project PropertiesUpdate Existing Project Properties

PUT ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key} 


Add users to a project

Step 2: Assign Members to a Project

Add or Update User in ProjectAdd or Update User in Project

PUT ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key} 


Add resources to a project

Step 3: Add or Assign Resources to Projects

Share Repository with Target ProjectShare Repository with Target Project

PUT /v1/projects/_/share/repositories/{repo_name}/{target_project_key}