
JFrog Platform Administration Documentation

Content Type
Administration / Platform

A Webhook is an automated notification mechanism that is triggered by events that you define. When a webhook is triggered, it sends relevant information about the event to a web location that is listening for that specific event notification. The webhook is comprised of three simple components – the triggering event, the information about the event (the “payload”), and the web location listening for the event.

You can use webhooks to trigger an action in another service in response to an event in the JFrog Platform, either to notify users of the event or trigger some automated flow.

Since Artifactory plays an important role in the build and distribution process of your artifacts, it is helpful to know when important events are occurring. Webhooks enables you to be notified or notify other users when such events take place in Artifactory.

Webhooks enables you to integrate Artifactory processes with third party applications that are also essential to your build process. Some Artifactory events may trigger a process in another application, such as Jira and Jenkins. For example, when a certain event is triggered, such as build promotion, Artifactory send an HTTP POST payload to the webhook’s configured URL and trigger a CI build in Jenkins.

How does it work?

Webhooks is based on the JFrog Event Service. This microservice is responsible for the distribution of your webhook events asynchronously. To learn more about it, see System Architecture.System Architecture

Types of Webhooks in the JFrog Platform

There are two types of webhooks:

Predefined: These are webhooks with predefined payloads, which cannot be customized for specific vendors. Users, however, can customize the target URL and add HTTP headers.

Custom: These are webhooks with HTTP request headers and payload that you can customize to adapt to any target service, such as GitHub actions, Gitlab pipelines, Jenkins jobs, and Slack. Custom webhooks trigger events with the format expected by the vendor.

The following sections provide more information about webhooks in the JFrog Platform.