WebUI Changes implemented in Artifactory 7.38.x and above
Security is now called Authentication Providers. All the relevant text and images on this page have been updated to reflect this change.
To access OAuth integration settings, in the Administration module, select Authentication | OAuth SSO.
General OAuth Setting | Description |
Enable OAuth | When selected, authentication with an OAuth provider is enabled and the system will display all OAuth providers configured. If not checked, authentication is by Artifactory user/password. |
Auto Create System Users | When set, the system will automatically create new users for those who have logged in using OAuth, and assign them to the default groups. |
Default Provider | Specifies the provider through which different clients (such as npm, for example) should authenticate their login to gain access to the JFrog Platform. Default providerCurrently, only a GitHub Enterprise OAuth provider may be defined as the Default Provider. |
Allow Created Users Access To Profile Page | When selected, users created after authenticating using OAuth, will be able to access their profile. This means they are able to generate their API Key and set their password for future use. |
Custom URL base
For your OAuth settings to work, make sure you have your Custom Base URL configured.