Synchronize LDAP Groups with the JPD Through the UI

JFrog Platform Administration Documentation

Content Type
Administration / Platform

Once you have configured how groups should be retrieved from your LDAP server, you can verify your set up by clicking the Refresh button on the Synchronize LDAP Groups sub-panel. A list of available LDAP groups is displayed according to your settings.

You are now ready to synchronize/import groups into the system. The groups table allows you to select which groups to import and displays the sync-state for each group:

A group can either be completely new or already existing in JPD. If a group already exists in the system it can become outdated (for example, if the group DN has changed) - this is indicated in the table so you can select to re-import it.

Once a group is imported (synced) a new external LDAP group is created in the system with the name of the group.

Once you have imported LDAP groups, you can Manage Permissions on them as with regular the JPD groups. Users association to these groups is external and controlled strictly by LDAP.


Make sure that LDAP group settings is enabled (in the LDAP Groups Settings panel) in order for your settings to become effective.

To synchronize a group through the UI, in the Administration module, under Authentication | LDAP, select the group you want to synchronize, and search for groups that have been defined under the corresponding group settings. Once groups have been found, select Import.


Once the groups are synchronized, you should see them in your list of groups (Administration module under Authentication Providers | Groups) indicated as External.
