Released: September 25, 2023
Support for macOS version 13.5 in AMD64
Pipelines now supports macOS version 13.5 nodes in AMD64 (x86-64) architecture.
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue whereby, Rabbitmq restart required restart of Pipelines pod.
Fixed an issue whereby, Error 409 code was appearing while uploading step test reports.
Fixed an issue whereby, editing secrets in the Generic integration was corrupting the keys. Now key and password can not be edited if it was saved in secure mode. User will have to delete an existing key-value and add new key-value.
Fixed an issue whereby, Artifact resource was not working when used in multi branch pipeline source.
Fixed a performance issue that prevented cleanup of orphan nodes.
Fixed an issue related to step getting stuck for node allocation.
Found an issue when non-root was enabled for node pools. In our ongoing commitment to providing you with the best possible experience, we have temporarily removed the non-root feature. We are actively working on improvements and will reintroduce it in a better form soon.