Released: August 18, 2021
Pipelines 1.17.6 requires Artifactory 7.24.3 and above.
Resolved Issues
The security concerns that limited the use of Docker commands on Azure and GCP SaaS environments have been resolved. Docker commands can now be used in all steps.
Fixed an issue whereby, some API calls were receiving 404s and 401s when control-plane nodes were downscaling and upscaling. Pipelines router was upgraded to 7.23.1 to resolve this issue.
Fixed an issue whereby, deleting pipelines was resulting in too many API calls and deletion was taking too long to finish.
Fixed an issue that prevented Pipelines from getting installed on machines that had docker-compose version 1.28.x and above installed.
Fixed an issue in pipelineSync that was causing memory spikes in both API and pipelineSync.
Total build minutes on SaaS free tier is now limited to 2000 per month.