Released: 8 February, 2024
Operating Systems - End of Support
As part of JFrog commitment to maintain the security and reliability of the JFrog Platform, Artifactory will officially run with Node.js 20.x on all installation types from Artifactory 7.77.3.
Node.js 20.x provided with Linux Archive/Debian/RPM installations (non-containerized distributions) is not supported on the following operating systems.
Ubuntu 18.04 (has reached End of Standard Support on May 31, 2023).
RHEL 7.x - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x (has reached End of Full Support on 2019)
Centos 7.x (has reached End of Active Support on 2020).
Suse Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12 SP5 ( will reach End of Standard Support on October 31, 2024)
Amazon Linux 2 (no support for Node.js 20x)
Hence, these operating systems will no longer supported from Artifactory version 7.77.3.
New Features
Filebeat 8 Upgrade
Artifactory now uses Filebeat 8.11.1 to push metrics into Insight. Previously, Artifactory used Filebeat 7.17.7.
Resolved Issues
JIRA Issue | Severity | Description |
Medium | Fixed an issue related to RPM whereby, when deploying a package with a name containing the substring | |
Low | Fixed an issue related to P2 whereby, Artifactory did not support creating a Smart Remote repository with a key containing special characters. | |
Low | Fixed an issue related to Maven whereby, when deploying a snapshot to a local repository with the | |
Low | Fixed an issue whereby, when running the Update Repository Configuration REST API using a mismatched | |
RTDEV-37586 | Fixed an issue related to Conda whereby, under certain circumstances, some packages were not indexed as expected. | |
JA-6793 | Low | Fixed an issue whereby, users could create new projects on Edge nodes, Edge nodes are not allowed to make changes to projects. Now, you cannot create projects in an edge node. |