Pipelines 1.19.3

JFrog Release Information

Content Type
Release Notes

Released: October 28, 2021


Pipelines 1.19.3 requires Artifactory 7.27.7 and above.

Provision Status for Node Pools

The node pools list view now includes a new column called Provision Status, which provides a color representation of the provision status for each node. Each color represents one of the stages in the lifecycle of a node. For more information, see Viewing Available Node Pools.Managing Pipelines Node Pools

Carry Custom Configuration to all Steps in Pipeline Run

Custom configurations can now be configured at both pipeline- and step-level. The pipeline-level environment variables will be carried through to all steps executed in the pipeline run, and the step-level environment variables will only be applicable to that specific step . For more information, see Triggering a Run with Custom Parameters.Triggering a Run with Custom Parameters

Docker-Compose in Build Images

The docker-compose CLI is now pre-installed in Pipelines build images.

Pipeinfo Tab

The Run View page now includes a PipeInfo tab, which shows data used by the run. For more information, see Viewing Pipeinfo

Templates Enhancements
  • Updating a template will now sync pipeline sources using that template.

  • Artifactory admins can now delete templates that are not used by any pipeline sources through the API. Released, retired, and latest templates can be deleted.

New GitRepo Resource Settings

Added pullRequestSourceBranches and pullRequestTargetBranches settings to GitRepo resources to better filter pull requests by source and destination branch. For more information, see GitRepo.

Run State Performance Improvements

Significant improvements have been made to the run state for better performance. For more information, see Creating Stateful Pipelines.Creating Stateful Pipelines

Resolved Issues
  • Fixed an issue whereby, the delete calls to Pipelines objects were taking a long time as they were being deleted one at a time. The objects will now be bulk deleted.

  • Fixed an issue whereby, synchronizing a pipeline source using a template without having first synchronized another pipeline source caused an error.

  • Fixed an issue whereby, missing resource versions were causing the structure of the run to be abnormal and resulted in consistent failures because of missing connections. This issue has been fixed and if there are some missing resource versions to resource mappings in a pipeline, then the pipeline re-sync would create the resource versions.

  • Fixed an issue whereby, an incorrect error message was displayed when adding multiple pipeline sources with the same name.

  • Fixed an issue with out-of-the-box extensions in PowerShell.

  • Fixed node assignments to step execution in matrix steps to ensure that maximum parallel build capacity is utilized.

  • Fixed an issue where steps could get stuck in cleanup due to an internal service exception.