JFrog Distribution 2.0.0

JFrog Release Information

Content Type
Release Notes

Released: January 12, 2020

JFrog Platform

Announcing the new JFrog Platform, designed to provide developers and administrators with a seamless DevOps experience across all JFrog products, supporting the following main features:

  • Universal package management with all major packaging formats, build tools, and CI servers.

  • Security and Compliance that's fully integrated into the JFrog Platform, providing full trust of your pipeline from code to production.

  • Radically simplified administration with all configurations in one place.

  • Complete trust in your pipeline all the way from code to production.

  • Seamless DevOps experience from self-hosted, cloud, hybrid or multi-cloud of your choice.

JFrog Platform New Functionalities
System Architecture

The new Distribution architecture has been updated to align with all JFrog products in the Platform. Learn More >System Architecture

Distribution system.yaml

This release introduces a new system configuration file, allowing system configurations to be handled externally to the application, before/after the installation process. Learn More >System YAML Configuration File

Installation and Upgrade

Distribution 2.0 comes with a new installer, which affects the installation and upgrade procedures. The file structure has been improved and is now aligned across all JFrog products. Learn More >Installing DistributionUpgrading DistributionSystem Directories

Distribution must be connected only to a single Artifactory instance. If you have a single Distribution instance connected to multiple Artifactory instances, the upgrade to the JFrog Platform requires mapping a source Artifactory to a single Distribution service. If you are creating and distributing release bundles from multiple source Artifactory instances, you now need to deploy a Distribution service in every JPD that contains these source Artifactory instances. You would then register multiple Distribution services to one Mission Control.

Unified User Interface

This version introduces a new UI that is unified for the entire JFrog Platform, including all JFrog products. If you are using Artifactory and other JFrog products such as JFrog Xray, JFrog Distribution, JFrog Mission Control and JFrog Insights, you will now be able to access them all from within a single UI with one URL address. Learn More >

Unified Permission Model

This version unifies all JFrog product permissions, allowing easier permission management across all products from one unified UI. The Unified Permission Model enables you to create a single permission target that applies to all products installed in the JFrog Platform. Since the products are unified within the Platform, you can now use a single permission target to control the permissions of all products. Learn More >Permissions


All JFrog products now follow a standardized logging format and naming convention. Learn More >Logging

Feature Enhancements
Xray Integration

Release Bundles can now be scanned for security and compliance issues with JFrog Xray. This means you can now define security and compliance policies for your organization, on the release bundles, to ensure your distributable content is protected and meets your standards. Learn More >Distribute Release Bundles (v1)

Package View Including Distribution Data

This version includes a Package Viewer, providing a 360 view of your packages from all your available JFrog services, including JFrog Distribution. With this, you can understand which packages are included in release bundles and have been distributed to various Artifactory Edge devices. Learn More >