Artifactory 7.53.1 Cloud

JFrog Release Information


Released: February 6, 2023

Feature Enhancements
NuGet SetMeUp Enhancements

The NuGet SetMeUp in the JFrog Platform UI now includes support for NuGet V3.

Repository names starting with a number RTFACT-27514

Artifactory repositories can now have a name that starts with a numeric character.

Updated the Get Token by ID and Delete Token by ID

Users can now fetch the reference token details using either the token-id or their own token (me). See Access Tokens for details.ACCESS TOKENS

Environments and Repositories

Starting with Artifactory 7.53.1, each repository can be assigned to only one environment. If a repository was assigned to multiple environments in a previous version (for example, DEV and PROD), you must change the selection to a single environment from this version onward. For more information, see Assign Environments to Repositories.Assign Environments to Repositories

Resolved Issues

JIRA Issue



Fixed an issue whereby, when running the _catalog REST API against a Docker virtual repository with include/ exclude patterns, Artifactory did not return the expected catalog.


Fixed an issue whereby, under certain circumstances, when uploading several ZIP files with the same name simultaneously to the same repository, Artifactory returned an error.


Fixed an issue whereby, when users exceed the storage limit for a project, the notification email displayed an incorrect value.


Fixed an issue whereby, when resolving packages from a remote repository, the P2 resolver accessed third-party URLs instead of pulling packages through Artifactory.


Fixed an issue whereby, when indexing or downloading from a RubyGems virtual repository that contains a remote repository with the Store Artifacts Locally setting disabled, Artifactory returned an error.


Fixed an issue whereby, when uploading a multiple snapshot version to a Maven repository and then deleting the version, Artifactory metadata still displayed the deleted version.


Fixed an issue whereby, After creating LDAP settings with specific names in the JFrog Platform UI, Artifactory failed to start.


Fixed an issue whereby, when running the yum grouplist REST API on a virtual repository containing two repositories with the same path, Artifactory returned an empty response.


Fixed an issue related to npm whereby, the install, whoami, and dist-tag REST APIs did not return the cache-control header.


Fixed an issue whereby, when attempting to log in to the JFrog Platform, if the request contained an IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header in the format <IP:port>, the login attempt failed.


Fixed an issue whereby, if the JFrog instance contained a large number of user groups defined in Access, the UI login process was slowed down.


Fixed an issue whereby, when deleting artifacts, the database performance of the metadata service was slow.