Released: 11 October, 2021
7.27.6 Applies to Both Cloud and Self-Hosted
This release applies to both self-hosted and cloud. To view the full scope of all the items included in this Cloud release, please see the Artifactory 7.27.3 release notes.
Known Issue
As described in the Known Issues page, the Sync Deleted Artifacts
feature does not relate to the path prefix of the replication configuration due to an issue described in RTFACT-26448. Therefore, we recommend to disable the Sync Deleted Artifacts
option in this release.
This issue has been resolved in Artifactory version 7.27.9.
Feature Enhancements
Push Configuration Updates are Supported for Federated Repositories
You can manually initiate push configuration updates to member federated members in case of network issues using the REST API or directly in the UI. For more information, see Troubleshooting Federated Member Out-of-Sync Notifications.
Enabling Log Collection (Cloud Subscriptions)
The Log Collection Enablement feature enables Cloud customers to collect and download their application logs in a dedicated Logs Artifactory System Repository, to improve auditing capabilities. The feature requires an opt-in, and is enabled using a dedicated Artifactory API. The log types collected include Artifactory request and access audit trail.
This feature is available to all Cloud subscriptions.
The data transfer and storage you consume for downloading or storing the logs will apply against your standard cloud usage, and may incur costs.
Resolved Issues
JIRA Issue | Description |
Fixed an issue whereby, after restarting the JFrog Deployment Unit (JPD), the Artifactory EDGE nodes did not reconnect to the JPD. | |
Fixed an issue, when upgrading from Artifactory version 7.19.4 to 7.21.14, if the |