Artifactory 7.56.2 Cloud

JFrog Release Information


Released: March 8, 2023

Feature Enhancements

Support for Federated Repositories in Webhooks

It is now possible to include a Federated repository when defining a Webhook event.

Project Key Maximum Length Changed

The maximum length for a project key was increased from 20 characters to 32.

Readiness Probe and Liveness Probe API output changed RTFACT-27460

The Readiness Probe and Liveness Probe REST APIs now return output in JSON format instead of plain text.Readiness ProbeLiveness Probe

Resolved Issues

JIRA Issue



Fixed an issue whereby, when configuring Artifactory SCIM with Azure Active Directory using a group name that contains an invalid character, Artifactory returned a 502 error.


Fixed an issue whereby, when viewing the Builds tab for an artifact in the WebUI tree browser in a JFrog instance with a large number of builds, Artifactory took too long to respond.


Fixed an issue related to npm whereby, when running the dist-tag REST API for a non-existent package, Artifactory returned a 500 instead of a 404 error.


Fixed an issue related to Maven whereby, temporary files were not deleted automatically and consumed storage space.


Fixed an issue whereby, Artifactory did not support copying artifacts between repositories using REST API which the user has no delete/overwrite permissions for.


Fixed an issue related to Pub whereby, under certain circumstances, when deploying a package containing multiple pubspec.yaml files, Artifactory generated an incorrect package index.


Fixed an issue whereby, the WebUI did not display files with a path containing .index in virtual repositories.


Fixed an issue related to PyPI whereby, when running the Recalculate Index REST API, only artifacts containing the property were reindexed.


Fixed an issue related to NuGet whereby, when trying to authenticate using an access token, Artifactory returned a 403 error.


Fixed an issue whereby, when pulling Docker images from a virtual repository containing many remote and local repositories, Artifactory slowed down.


Fixed an issue whereby, a new state was created after performing apply and destroy actions, which was not compatible with Terraform version 1.3.8.


Fixed an issue whereby, Artifactory did not support assigning yum or rpm repositories during the creation of a new project.


Fixed an issue whereby, a special character was required when creating a new password.