Pipelines 1.9.3

JFrog Release Information

Content Type
Release Notes

Released: November 19, 2020


Requires Artifactory 7.11 or newer.

Pipelines 1.9.3 is Available as a Cloud Version

The JFrog Pipelines 1.9.3 release is available as a Cloud version and will be available for on-premise shortly.

Pipelines Templates

Pipelines templates now enable users to define templates for pipeline definitions and use these templates while creating pipelines. An example template for building and pushing docker images to Artifactory is included with this version.

Matrix Multinode

A Matrix step can now be configured such that each steplet runs on its own build node in the same node pool.

Support for Insecure Registries for Dynamic Nodes

At the node pool level, users can specify a comma-separated list of allowed insecure docker registries.

Support for External Vault

Pipelines installer can now be configured to use an external Vault.

Access to Resources between different types of branches

Resources between different types of branches are now accessible to each other:

  • Resources in single branch pipelines are accessible in multibranch pipelines.

  • Resources in multibranch pipelines are accessible in single branch pipelines.

  • Resources in multibranch pipelines are accessible across branches.

Show when a Node was last initialized

The Node Pool page now includes a column to show when a node was last initialized.

Set custom values for build name and build number when used in Native steps

Earlier versions of Pipelines did not allow customization of buildName and buildNumber for a BuildInfo resource, when used as an outputResource in Native steps like NpmPublish, DockerPush, etc. With this release, you can set the JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME and JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER environment variables in the NpmBuild, DockerBuild, or similar build steps, which will be used to set the buildName and buildNumber . The resource definition for BuildInfo has been updated to make buildName and buildNumber optional.

Available Parallel Builds and other enhancements

The Node Pools page has been enhanced to show the following:

  • Total number of concurrent builds available (based on license).

  • Total number of concurrent builds that are currently executing across all node pools.

Additionally, the following information is available at a node pool level:

  • Max limit, which is the maximum number of nodes that can be provisioned in the node pool.

  • Nodes provisioned, which is the number of nodes currently provisioned in the pool. Note that some of these nodes might be idle.

  • Nodes in use, which is the number of nodes currently processing a step.

Signing key passphrase support for signing release bundles

An optional new field called Signing key passphrase has been added to the Distribution integration, which allows the user to securely set the signing key passphrase for a release bundle.

Pipelines extensions improvements

Users can now view extension documentation in the UI.

Support for PostgreSQL 12.3 and RabbitMQ 3.8.3

Pipelines installer now installs PostgreSQL 12.3 and RabbitMQ 3.8.3.

New runtime images added for Go 1.14 and 1.15

We released new images that will be used as default images when a user specifies Go 1.14 or 1.15 as the language and version in their pipelines yaml configuration.

Resolved Issues
  • Fixed an issue, where users were not able to add a pipeline source, when trailing slash was present in Bitbucket Server integration URL.

  • Fixed an issue, where canceling a Jenkins step did not work for multibranch Jenkins pipelines.

  • Fixed an issue, where the first run of a Jenkins step would trigger a multibranch Jenkins pipeline without parameters, causing the step to fail.

  • Fixed an issue, where syncing a pipeline was failing if a Jenkins step's branch name contained a slash.

  • Fixed an issue, where node pools list default badge was cut off for long names.

  • Fixed an issue, where the user was prevented from saving changes to node pool configuration unless specific fields on the Edit node pool page were edited.