Released: October 08, 2021
Pipelines 1.18.6 requires Artifactory 7.27.3 and above.
WebSocket Traffic via Artifactory
Pipelines on-prem only: Pipelines WebSocket traffic will now be routed through Artifactory. On-prem users may need to update their configuration to allow WebSocket traffic.
LinuxVMDeploy Native Step
Introduced a new native step to support Blue/Green deployments on Pipelines. The LinuxVMDeploy native step can upload files to VMs in a VmCluster resource and run commands on the VMs. For more information, see LinuxVMDeploy.
UploadArtifact Native Step
Introduced a new native step to upload artifacts to Artifactory using JFrog CLI. Optionally, it can also publish build information to Artifactory and trigger Xray Scans. For more information, see UploadArtifact.
Support for Clone of Private Repos via HTTPS
Added support for cloning private repositories using HTTPS. Users can now toggle between SSH/HTTPS on their GitRepo resource, and when adding a new pipeline source.
Cancel One or More Runs
Enhancements in the UI to cancel single or multiple runs. Also, added the ability to cancel a run with a single API call.
Step History
Pipelines now provides an option to view a step's execution history. This can be especially useful for debugging issues. For more information, see Pipeline History.
Incoming Webhooks Improvements
Improved multi-branch support for Incoming Webhook resources, which enables you to specify the desired pipeline branch to trigger. For more information, see IncomingWebhook.
Updated incoming webhooks to trigger pull requests when a specific source branch is updated.
Signed Pipelines Enhancements
Added signed pipelines support to several additional PowerShell steps, such as NpmPublish, PublishBuildInfo, and HelmPublish.
Enhanced GoPublishModule and DockerPush native steps to support collecting build info metadata for signed pipelines.
Improved Error Messages and Troubleshooting Page
Updated several error messages for better clarity. Some of them now link to a troubleshooting page, which provides information about possible causes and solutions.
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue whereby, GitHub Enterprise pull requests were missing from GitRepo input scripts. Added support for pull-request events for GitRepo resources that utilize GitHub Enterprise integrations.
Fixed an issue whereby, slack notification payloads were being rejected in PowerShell steps.