Pipelines 1.29.2

JFrog Release Information


Released: December 20, 2022


Pipelines 1.29.2 is not compatible with Artifactory 7.49.3.

baseUrlUI value is optional

Pipelines on-prem only: baseUrlUI is not a required value anymore during Pipelines installation. If baseUrlUI is not provided during installation, the URL must be added as a custom url in General → Settings → Custom base url.

New Variable for SCM Repository Name

A new variable,{{ sourceRepository }}, has been introduced to replace the SCM repository full path during Pipelines sync. For more information, see GitRepo.

New OOTB Global Template

A new template to promote a BuildInfo resource is now available out of the box. For more information, see PromoteCI.Global Templates

Support for Multiple Operating Systems in Matrix Step

In the matrix native step, steplets can now be configured to execute in parallel on multiple node pools with different operating systems. For more information, see Multi-node pool Matrix.Using the Matrix Step

New Custom Views

Non-admin users can now create custom personal views for pipelines using simple wildcard patterns on pipelines name or branch name. Up to five views can be created per Project.

Ability to Add Description

A new utility function, update_run_description, has been introduced, which can be used to add custom text to every run. This is useful for providing more context for a run. The run description can be updated at any time.

View Git Repo Event for Runs

The Overview section in the Pipelines UI will now show the git repo event (such as, commit details, pull request details, tag details) that triggered the run, along with a link to the commit SHA.

New Status Icons

The Active Runs, Node Pools, and Extensions & Templates pages now use new Status icons.

Docker Updated to 20.10

Updated Docker to 20.10 on dynamic build nodes and when initializing new static nodes. Build nodes already installed with Docker 19 will continue to use the same.

Support for New JFrog CLI Versions

Pipelines now supports JFrog CLI versions 1.54.1 and 2.29.2.

Resolved Issues
  • Fixed an issue whereby, node pool was stuck and not picking up builds due to lock issue.

  • Fixed an issue whereby, CentOS, RHEL, or Windows static build nodes were not functioning when reinitialized after upgrading from version 1.24.4 or earlier.

  • Fixed an issue whereby, the URL displayed for the triggered pipeline in TriggerPipeline steps was incorrect.

Resolved Vulnerabilities

This release contains resolved CVEs - security vulnerability issues.