Subscription Information
This feature is supported on the Self-Hosted platform, with an Enterprise+ license.
The procedure to upgrade Distribution depends on your installation type. We strongly recommend reading through this page before proceeding with your upgrade.
Before you upgrade Distribution please refer to additional information on supported platforms, browsers and other requirements, and the system architecture.
Make sure to use the same upgrade method (RPM, Debian, Docker, etc.) as the one you initially used to install Distribution.
To ensure you can restore your Distribution and database in case you encounter any issues during the upgrade process, we strongly recommend that you make sure your system and database backups are up to date.
Upgrading to 2.x for the first time?
It is recommended that you first review what's new with the latest JFrog Platform. Review the breaking changes, deprecated features and more.
Artifactory and Distribution Pairing
The upgrade to the JFrog Platform requires mapping a source Artifactory to a single Distribution service. If you are creating and distributing release bundles from multiple source Artifactory instances and one Distribution instance, you will now need to deploy a Distribution service in every JPD that contains these source Artifactory instances. If your Mission Control instance is part of another JPD, you'll need to register it in the new Distribution instance. See details here.
Upgrade Steps
The upgrade procedure involves the following main steps:
Download Distribution (Docker Compose, RPM, Debian).
Stop the Distribution service
Install Distribution according to the installer distribution type.
Check the Migration Log and review
to validate the migration was successful (only for upgrading from v2.x).Start the service using the start scripts or OS service management.
Check the Distribution Log for the status of the service.
Default Home Directory / $JFROG_HOME
The default Distribution home directory is defined according to the installation type. For additional details see the Product Directory Structure page.
Note: This guide uses $JFROG_HOME
to represent the JFrog root directory containing the deployed product.