cache-fs template configuration

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

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Installation & Setup

If you choose to use the cache-fs template, your binarystore.xml configuration file should look like this:

<config version="v1">
        <chain template="cache-fs"/>

What's in the template?

While you don't need to configure anything else in your binarystore.xml, this is what the cache-fs template looks like under the hood.

<chain> <!-- template="cache-fs" -->
    <provider id="cache-fs" type="cache-fs">
        <provider id="file-system" type="file-system"/>

This example sets the cache-fs size to be 10GB and its location (absolute path since it starts with a "/") to be /cache/filestore.

<config version="v1">
        <chain template="cache-fs"/>
        <provider id="cache-fs" type="cache-fs">







The maximum storage allocated for the cache in bytes. Please note that maxCacheSize does not include files that are in progress of being uploaded (which is saved under cache/_pre); thus it is recommended to keep extra spaces for _pre folder.

Default: 5000000000 (5GB)


The root folder of binaries for the filestore cache. If the value specified starts with a forward slash (“/”) it is considered the fully qualified path to the filestore folder. Otherwise, it is considered relative to the baseDataDir.

Default: cache


The maximum limit in bytes for a binary to be saved in the cache-fs layer. For example, if maxFileSizeLimit = 1000000000 (1GB), then any binary bigger than 1GB will not be saved in the cache-fs.

Default: None (no limit).

Available from Artifactory version 7.71.1.


If this flag is set to true, binaries will not be saved in the cache-fs during upload requests but rather only when downloading a binary.

Default: false (binaries can be added during both download and upload requests)

Available from Artifactory version 7.71.1.


Default: true

When true, optimizes the download of binaries by allowing multiple simultaneous requests for the same binary to be fulfilled from a single fetch operation, which reduces the load on the underlying storage.


Default: true

When true, validates the checksum of the binary before moving the binary to the cache-fs folder.


A temporary folder into which files are written for internal use by Artifactory. If the value specified starts with a forward slash ("/") the value is considered the full path to the temporary folder. Otherwise, it is considered relative to the cacheProviderDir under the baseDataDir.


Prior to Artifactory 7.98.2, tempDir was always relative to baseDataDir, and if tempDir had an absolute path in binarystore.xml (for example: /tmp), tempDir was set to $BASEDATADIR/filestore/tmp.

Example: NFS filestore with caching

The following example shows how you can configure an NFS filestore with caching.

<config version="v1">
    <provider id="cache-fs" type="cache-fs">
        <provider id="file-system" type="file-system"/>
  <provider id="cache-fs" type="cache-fs">
  <provider id="file-system" type="file-system">

Ensure that you create the folders in the configuration before you start Artifactory.