Use an Existing Volume Claim for Artifactory HA Helm Installation

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

Content Type
Installation & Setup
Use an Existing Volume Claim for the Primary Node

To use an existing volume claim for the Artifactory primary node storage, you will need to do the following.

  1. Create a persistent volume claim by the name volume-<release-name>-artifactory-ha-primary-0 e.g., volume-myrelease-artifactory-ha-primary-0.

  2. Pass a parameter to helm install and helm upgrade.

    ... --set artifactory.primary.persistence.existingClaim=true
Use an Existing Volume Claim for the Member Nodes

To use an existing volume claim for the Artifactory member nodes storage, you will need to do the following.

  1. Create persistent volume claims according to the number of replicas defined at artifactory.node.replicaCount by the names volume-<release-name>-artifactory-ha-member-<ordinal-number>, e.g., volume-myrelease-artifactory-ha-member-0 and volume-myrelease-artifactory-ha-primary-1.

  2. Pass a parameter to helm install and helm upgrade.

    ... --set artifactory.node.persistence.existingClaim=true