Enable New Integrations

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

Content Type
Installation & Setup

To enable creating a new integration with the JFrog Platform, you need to set the flag for new integrations in the access.config.latest.yaml file.

  1. Ensure that you make a copy of the access.config.latest.yaml file and rename it to access.config.import.yaml.


    Do not update the access yaml through the access.config.latest.yaml file. Instead, make a copy of the latest file to the same location and rename the copy access.config.import.yaml. Upon next Access restart the import file will be removed and will become the access.config.latest.yaml file.

  2. Open the access.config.import.yaml file.

  3. Add this line in the new import file you created: integrations-enabled: true.

  4. Next, complete the details in integration-templates by adding the ID of the integration, the name and the template.

    For example:

    integrations-enabled: true 
    integration-templates: # list of possible integrations to create
      - id: "1"  # The id of the integration template, to save a reference back from the integration.
        name: "Slack integration" # The name of the integration as will appear in the UI when creating a new integration.
        redirect-uri: "https://my-jfrog-integrations.com/callback" # The redirect-uri that will direct users back to the integration client with the authorization code.
        scope: "applied-permissions/user" # Only this scope is currently supported.
        internal: false # Optional. Default false. Indicates whether it's an internal template, meaning will not be returned to UI unless specifically asked to include internal templates.
  5. To make the integration page visible on the platform UI, you will need to set accessIntegration: true using one of the following options (both methods will generate the same outcome - select the method that works best for you):

    1. Add the environment variable JF_FRONTEND_FEATURETOGGLER_ACCESSINTEGRATION and set it to true.

      For Artificatory versions above 7.60, if using Kubernetes, add the environment variable JF_FRONTEND_FEATURETOGGLER_ACCESSINTEGRATION to the frontend container environment variables.

            value: "true" # meaning will not be returned to UI unless specifically asked to include internal templates.
    2. Alternatively, in the system.yaml, set accessIntegration: true as follows:

              accessIntegration: true
  6. Restart Artifactory - this will restart the Access service which will then load the values in access.config.import.yaml, with the updated configuration.