Distribution HA Linux Archive/RPM/Debian Installation

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

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Installation & Setup

First node installation steps

  1. Install the first node. The installation is identical to the single node installation. Important: make sure not to start Distribution.

  2. Configure the $JFROG_HOME/distribution/var/etc/ system.yaml file with the database and first node configuration details. For example,

    First node system.yaml

        type: postgresql
        driver: org.postgresql.Driver
        url: jdbc: postgresql://<PosgreSQL_Host_IP_address>:<postgres_port>/distribution?sslmode=disable
        username: distribution
        password: password
        joinKey: <join_key>
  3. Start and manage the Distribution service.

    systemd OS

    systemctl start|stop distribution.service

    Systemv OS

    service distribution start|stop
  4. Access Distribution from your browser at: http://<jfrogUrl>/ui/: go to the Distribution tab in the Application module in the UI.

  5. Check the Distribution log.

    tail -f $JFROG_HOME/distribution/var/log/console.log

Additional node installation steps

For a node to join a cluster, the node must have the same database configuration and the Master Key. Install all additional nodes using the same steps described above, with the additional steps below:

  1. Configure the $JFROG_HOME/distribution/var/etc/ system.yaml file for the additional node with master key, database and active node configurations. For example,

    Additional node system.yaml

        type: postgresql
        driver: org.postgresql.Driver
        url: jdbc: postgresql://<PosgreSQL_Host_IP_address>:<postgres_port>/distribution?sslmode=disable
        username: distribution
        password: password
        joinKey: <join_key>
  2. Copy the master.key from the first node to the additional node located at $JFROG_HOME/distribution/var/etc /security/master.key.

  3. Start the additional node.

  4. Access Distribution from your browser at: http://<jfrogUrl>/ui/: go to the Distribution tab in the Application module in the UI.

  5. Check the Distribution log.

    tail -f $JFROG_HOME/distribution/var/log/console.log