Oracle for Artifactory

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

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Installation & Setup

By using Oracle you can benefit from features in Oracle infrastructure such as backup and restore.

For Artifactory to run with Oracle you must create a dedicated Oracle database instance and then configure Artifactory to use it as described in the following sections.

Enable Non-PostgreSQL Database

From Artifactory 7.84, new Artifactory installations support only PostgreSQL in the default installation. Artifactory will not start after installation unless you configure the system.yaml file to support non-PostgreSQL database.

For more information on configuring the system.yaml after installation, see Configure Artifactory to use Oracle.

Upgrading the Database?

To avoid a regression of performance while upgrading the Oracle database (as a result of changes in the execution plans), make sure to preserve the optimizer's behavior from the previous version. For more details, please refer to Oracle documentation on influencing the Optimizer.